The main aim of interventional pain treatments is to accurately locate the cause of the ongoing pain, confirm the diagnosis, and test the reversibility of the symptoms. It is, therefore, customary to carry out a diagnostic injection with local anaesthetic with or without steroids to confirm the accuracy of the diagnosis and assess how much of the pain is inflammatory by the beneficial effects of the Steroid. We will use this information to plan further longer-lasting radio-frequency treatments as required.
Facet joint pain is one of the most common causes of neck and back pain. This condition can be diagnosed and treated by injections in selective cases. In order to determine whether you have facet joint pain, we will carry out medial branch blocks to the nerve supply of the joint and assess you in 4-6 weeks. This may suffice as a pain treatment in itself or lead to a radio-frequency treatment if appropriate
After your treatment
We suggest that someone drive you home after these procedures, with or without sedation. The local anaesthetic should start working within 30 minutes and last for several hours. The Steroid can take several days to start working and occasionally up to 2 weeks.
As far as activity is concerned, you should carry on with your usual level of activity in the first few weeks after the treatment, and you will be reviewed in the clinic in four to six weeks.