This is a method of using medium or higher alternating current frequencies to affect nerve function and, therefore, be used to detect, diagnose and treat nerve pain. In order to create a ‘circuit’, an electrode pad is placed on the patient in a neutral position. An electrode needle is then used to detect the nerve to be treated, and a small voltage can stimulate this to elicit a localised tingling sensation that the patient feels and can be used to positively identify the nerve responsible for the pain symptoms.
Once located, the nerve can be treated with continuous radio frequency, which heats up and ‘cuts’ the nerve or pulsed radio frequency, which is non-destructive and leads to nerve desensitisation.
After your treatment
We suggest that someone drive you home after these procedures, with or without sedation.
As far as activity is concerned, you should carry on with your usual level of activity in the first few weeks after the treatment, and you will be reviewed in the clinic in four to six weeks.