This is carried out after a successful ‘block’ where the diagnosis has been confirmed and the condition proven to be reversible.
This is a non-destructive method of treating nerve pain from spinal or peripheral nerves. The technique is similar to ablation, but the temperature is limited to 42 degrees, preventing nerve tissue destruction. The aim is to ‘reset’ nerves that have become hypersensitive by reducing their ability to continually generate a pain nerve signal.
These treatments are again carried out primarily under image guidance, either ultrasound or x-ray and again will take between 30-60 minutes with or without sedation. There tends to be less of a flare of pain following these procedures compared to denervation, but it sometimes occurs. Pain relief is not usually instantaneous and can take a couple of weeks to occur.
After your treatment
We suggest that someone drive you home after these procedures, with or without sedation.
The treated area will usually be numb following the procedure due to the local anaesthetic, which will last for approximately a few hours or occasionally overnight.
As far as activity is concerned, you should carry on with your usual level of activity in the first few weeks after the treatment, and you will be reviewed in the clinic in four to six weeks.